
I regularly run Arabic and Latin type design and digital lettering workshops.

I like to propose a singular approach at the intersection of TYPE - LANGUAGE and CULTURE. It's always relevant to look at type in context. It's also a great way to bring novice audiences into the world of type.
I previously ran workshops at Tumo Centers in Yerevan and Paris - ESAV Marrakesh -
The London Met - MMAG Amman - Tashkeel Dubai - Le Signe Chaumont

I regularly run Arabic and Latin type design and digital lettering workshops. I like to propose a singular approach at the intersection of TYPE - LANGUAGE and CULTURE. It's always relevant to look at type in context. It's also a great way to bring novice audiences into the world of type.
I previously ran workshops at Tumo Centers in Yerevan and Paris - ESAV Marrakesh -
The CASS London - MMAG Amman - Tashkeel Dubai.

Latin Letters made in Armenia 
Latin Digital Lettering co-run with Riccardo De Franceschi
Tumo Center Yerevan - 10 days
(40 hours) - 
October 2018

Latin Letters made in Armenia 
Latin Digital Lettering co-run with Riccardo De Franceschi Tumo Center Yerevan - 10 days (40 hours) -October 2018.


Latin Digital Lettering
10 days (30 hours)
Tumo Center Paris
March 2019

Latin Digital Lettering - 10 days (30 hours) - Tumo Center Paris - March 2019

Working collectively during a workshop is a great way to understand the notion of system. Indeed creating type is creating a coherent ensemble of elements. And it takes a lot of time to do so; months, sometimes years. Workshops last only a few days, sometimes a few hours. Working together allows to understand the mechanics and bring the work further. 

Working collectively during a workshop is a great way to understand the notion of system. Indeed creating type is creating a coherent ensemble of elements. And it takes a lot of time to do so; months, sometimes years. Workshops last only a few days, sometimes a few hours. Working together allows to understand the mechanics and bring the work further. 

Arabic type design
MMAG Amman
3 days (21 hours)
October 2019

Arabic type design - MMAG Amman - 3 days (21 hours) - October 2019

When I run workshops with complete novice audiences, I often propose a corpus of letters varying from calligraphy to lettering as references. Type start with observing  letterforms, studying their shapes and behaviour. Following a model of a few letters and imagining what's missing is a great exercise. And there is still a lot to create and decide on.

When I run workshops with complete novice audiences, I often propose a corpus of letters varying from calligraphy to lettering as references.
Type start with observing  letterforms, studying their shapes and behaviour. Following a model of a few letters and imagining what's missing is a great exercise.
And there is still a lot to create and decide on.

Esav Marrakesh
5 days (35 hours)
October 2018

Esav Marrakesh - 5 days (35 hours) -
October 2018

Starting from SCRATCH means starting from SKETCH. I usually propose lots of hand drawing exercises to warm up.

Starting from SCRATCH 
means starting from SKETCH. I usually propose lots of hand drawing exercises to warm up.