Naïma Ben Ayed is type & graphic designer from France.
After working for/with different studios for about 10 years between Paris and London,
she set up her independent practice where Latin + Arabic type design and visual communication sit at the same desk. 
Her approach to design is telling stories with letters.
She regularly leads type design and digital lettering workshops and is particularly interested in opening up the discipline to novice audiences.

Naïma Ben Ayed is a Provence born, Paris graduated (FR), London based (UK), type & graphic designer. After working for/with different studios for about 10 years, she recently set up her independent practice where Latin + Arabic type design and visual com-munication sit at the same desk. 
Her approach to design is telling stories with letters. She regularly leads type design and digital lettering workshops and is particularly interested in opening up the discipline to novice audiences. She is part of the Alphabettes community and their mentorship program.


Photography © Egle Trezzi

Photography © Egle Trezzi